Liv Dysthe Sønderland
Passing by
“Passing By” is an exhibition I had with with the Norwegian photographer Geir M. Brungot at Graphica Creativa, International print trienal, Jyvaskyla Art Museum Finland in 2009.
This project is about our travels – about the things we pass – about the places and moments which were not the goal or the destination – the random stops which can be important.
Geir Brungot’s photographs are ” empty spaces”. Places you don´t look up, but run into by chance. His compositions, his choice of angel, and the fact that he chose the motive, give these strange places, that we thought contained nothing, a new chance of being explored.
Liv Dysthe Sønderlands monotypies are more memories of travels long time ago. Memories from the time one sat in the back seat and experienced. Memories of light, colors, landscapes passing by – memories of lost time..
The video relates to Geir and to Liv’s pictures in turn, as the speed, and the distance to the motive varies, the videoimages vary between the concrete and the abstract.
Travels are very much a mix of the exterior view and our inner view. A travel is a room for reflection and memorizing – as landscape and places passes by. It is an opportunity to let the mind flow….